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VRF for Gym Project in Sri Lanka
Sparkey provided a VRF system for a Gym in Colombo, Sri Lanka in 2019. This project has 2 sets outer units and 6 indoor units fan coils just for cooling. The brand we provides is Gree, which is a famous brand with high quality.

The Gym has a height of 7m and area of 600m2. And the temperature outside is about 35℃, and indoor temperature can be controlled under 25 ℃.

In 2024, Sparkey team visited the Gym, and know that the customer is satisfied with the cooling effect. During our team visit the project, they also led us to visit their basement which is the locker room and washing room. They said they also need a ventilation system for this basement. Sparkey technical department is reach out to them for design and product selection.

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